'I make objects that feel they were created in another era - inspired by the Grand Tour I never took'
Bridie finds inspiration in objects from the past. Originally from New Zealand, she has been based in London for twenty years and since 2008 has been splitting her time between making art and selling beautiful things for the home through the renowned interiors shop she co-owns called, Pentreath & Hall.
The ever popular Alphabet brush pots, decoupage trays, scented candles and End of day confetti lamps are sold in some of the finest department stores and grace some of the finest tabletops and interiors in the world.
This website is for wholesale orders and to showcase the ongoing work and projects spanning Bridie’s creative daily life, including products made for and exclusive to Pentreath & Hall. For all small order enquiries please contact Pentreath & Hall.
For trade account details and wholesale enquiries, please contact us.